Evolving as a shooter is not easy; burning whole boxes of ammunition at the shooting range is not the solution…especially considering the total ignorance that exists regarding how to train. Although it is not possible to generalize, since each shooter should be studied individually to assess what is missing, we can establish a correlation of directly influencing factors. These factors can then be organized so that the shooter knows what level he or she is at and what elements must be improved upon. For this we will use The Pyramid of ISOS, a figure divided into several sectors that will show us the most important aspects of quality training.
The ISOS pyramid is a representation of the progression of a shooter through their training throughout their career from beginning to culmination. This figure is a symbol that will allow us to visualize the theory of training and assess its importance in a weighted and chronological way. This article aims to perform a qualitative analysis of the training, taking into account the main aspects involved in it. We want to show clearly and explicitly what the order is that we must follow to evolve as shooters. The objective is to find how to make our training the most efficient to achieve better results in competition.
An elite shooter differs from the rest mainly in his technical preparation. Excellence in practical shooting is achieved through precision, speed, and coordination of shooting and movement. These three elements are of vital importance, and it is these elements that will finally decide at what level the shooter will compete.
In this article, we are only going to focus on the technical aspects of training without getting into talking about competitive psychology, a delicate subject of which we could talk long and hard on another occasion. For the moment, and as an indispensable part in the evolution of a shooter, we will focus on the technical part. We can divide our training pyramid into several sectors: foundations, base, first level, second level and top.