Jorge Ballesteros Fernandez was born May 27 th 1983 in San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa), he moved to Madrid with his family at the age of six. He graduated from high school in 2002, and subsequently studied Business management in the Alcala de Henares University until 2008, time when he started his career as Police Officer.
Since childhood, he had a special passion for the sports: he practiced Judo, Karate, athletics, soccer, basketball, ping pong and more. He has always been good contender and competitive.
He grew up with his father’s influence in the fascinating world of practical shooting (IPSC). From a young age, he dreamed of becoming a professional shooter, and this was the key factor that led his father to introduce him to the world of shooting sports
at the young age of 16. Nevertheless, Spanish law does not allow and did not allow at that time gun ownership under 18, this is why he went to France for his first competitions always accompanied by his dad.
Shortly after turning 18, he participated in his first Spanish championship obtaining the title of Spanish Champion Overall in the Open Division becoming the youngest shooter in the country to ever win this title. All the training and hard work paid off, but this was
only the beginning.
During these last years his trajectory as a shooter rised, demonstrating his great ability and skill in national and international competitions. His training techniques and continuity have made Jorge a great value for the practical shooting community.
At the Word Championship celebrated in Guayaquil (Ecuador) in 2005, Jorge Ballesteros obtained the bronze medal overall in the Open Division, reaffirming his great progress and dedication to the sport. In the European Championships of France in 2007 and Serbia in 2010, Jorge was able to raise up to achieve the silver medal overall in Open Division, right behind the several time world champion Eric Grauffel.
In 2013 in Barcelos (Portugal), Jorge was proclaimed European Champion for the first time in his career revalidating this title in 2016 in Felsotarkany (Hungary). 2017 was the best year on Jorge´s shooting carreer, he finally got the most wished title, proclaiming IPSC World Champion in the Open Division.

- World Champion Open Division (France. 2017)
- Gold medal by teams at the USIP World Police Games (UAE, 2017)
- 3x European IPSC Champion Open Division (Hungary, 2016 - Portugal, 2013 - Belgrade, 2019)
- 5x Extreme Euro Open Champion (Czech Republic, 2018-2017-2016-2014-2013)
- 4x Eurasia Extreme Champion (Russia, 2019-2017-2016-2015)
- Winner of the european “KSL” Kontinental Shooting League (2016)
- Winner of the Triple Crown Extreme Series (2015)
- Gold medal at USIP World Police Games (Colombia, 2015)
- 16x Spanish IPSC Champion Open Division + 1x Standard Division
- Mediterranean Cup Champion (France, 2013)
- European Steel Challenge Champion (Holland, 2009)
- European IPSC vice Champion (France 2007 and Serbia 2010)
- Olympic Medal awarded by the Spanish Olympic Committee (2007)
- Bronze Medal at XIV IPSC World Championship (Ecuador, 2005)
- Appointed Shooting Master by the Spanish Olympic Shooting Federation (2003)
- Appointed High Level Sportsman by the COE (Spanish Olympic Comitee) since 2001