World Champion
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Extreme Euro Open Champion
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Jorge Ballesteros is at New THPSA Shooting Range.
2 years ago
Sometimes you win …Sometimes you learn … For the last five years I have owned the title of World Champion in the Open division and today I passed this honor to @christiansailerofficial . It’s been a hard match for me and I have suffered from not been enough competitive . Sometimes things comes this way and I must accept that life sometimes has different things prepared for us from what we expected or planned . I want to thank all your support , and the support of my family and sponsors . ☯️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Jorge além dos seus excepcionais feitos esportivos no tiro você será sempre lembrado aqui no Brasil por sua amizade, amabilidade e gentileza com todos e pela simplicidade e competência que mostrava em orientar seus alunos. Que você seja muito bem recebido no outro plano meu amigo. Um forte abraço onde você estiver !!! 🙏🙏🙏
I can't believe what I am reading on the net. Have known you for 20 years now when we dropped you some holsters with H&S back then. Rest easy brother..
Estamos desolados y abatidos por tu prematura pérdida, pero siempre serás el Campeón, el Maestro y esa entrañable persona a la que teníamos por referente. Dejas un gran vacío en IPSC pero tu recuerdo permanecerá siempre con nosotros. Todo el apoyo y cariño en este dolor a toda su familia: padres, esposa, hijos, hermana y amigos. Descansa en Paz Jorge, extrañaremos mucho tu ausencia.
Commendable! His victory is worthy, dude been ripping it up and his victory is well deserved🙏
Rest in peace
Οι τίτλοι σε κάνουν διάσημο....αλλά ο χαρακτήρας σε κάνει μεγάλο.Και για όλους εμάς είσαι Μεγάλος και αυτό δεν αλλάζει.Για εμάς είσαι πάντα το Γιωργιο μας!!!μείνε ανταγωνιστικος....και φίλος...
Rest in peace true Champion! My deepest condolences to the entire Ballesteros family
No hay muchos caballeros en la victoria que aún lo son más en la derrota. Sin duda cada competición tuya es una lección que ofreces en todos los sentidos. Mi más sincera admiración
No one owns number 1 spot, you only ever rent it. And the rent is due everyday
RIP Champion, condolences to the Ballesteros family 😢
R.I.P 🙏😢
a world title is for ever, you are a big champion. humble person..🙏🙏🙏
Still great work and shooting, but what a noble way to pass on the title... 👏👏👏
Very sad news to the shooting sports you are a true champion, rest is peace brother, heartfelt condolences to your family🙏🙏🙏🥲
Rest in peace Jorge
Eres campeon del mundo y eso no te lo quita nadie. El relevo debe venir y es ley de vida. Tu has ganado todo lo que tenias que ganar.
Una pena la noticia que Jorge ya no está con nosotros. Una gran figura, no queda más que aceptar y respetar sus decisiones y designios. Q.E.P.D. Jorge Ballesteros
Rip buddy.
Muy lindo verlos a todos, Dios mediante, nos vemos en South Africa. Abrazos para la familia.
Rest in peace....
Great respect my friend....keep up the good work .....for me you nomero uno🖕🖕🖕
Congratulations bro. Keep on good work. More power.
Rest in peace Jorge 🙏
Jorge Ballesteros is in Terni.
2 years ago
🥇 Italian National 🇮🇹 ... See MoreSee Less
Yeeeees congrats you maniac , awesome
That's awesome! Congratulations!
Super Jorge ! It’s a pleasure to see you shooting 😊
Congrats!!! Great to see you again! 🏆🎉💪
What is this horror? Play with dead fb people is just impossible. I hate the guy who did this from the deepest of my heart
Felicitaciones un gran abrazo amigo desde Argentina
Enhorabuena Jorge👏👏👏Eres increible👍
Congrats champ 🏆🏆🏆
ENHORABUENA JORGE!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Felicitaciones Champ!🍀
En hora buena Maestro! 👊💥💪
Felicidades!! Grande!👏👍💪
Bravo campeón 💪
100, bravo maquina
Grande crack 💪
Enhorabuena 👏
Jsem na tebe pyšná 👍👍😉
2 years ago
#repost @marco.manca1267 Buongiorno a tutti, mi sento di comunicare, a nome di ogni tiratore e tiratrice che ha partecipato al corso di tiro dinamico sportivo avanzato, tenuto dal campione del mondo open division Jorge Ballesteros presso la splendida struttura del campo di tiro Li Turri in Sassari, l'espressione del nostro particolare e commosso ringraziamento allo staff del campo che ci ha ospitati. In particolare mi sento di rivolgere ai cari G. Piero Sotgiu, Betti ed al Presidente della ASD DSC21 Angelo Carpinone, il più profondo sentimento di riconoscenza e gratitudine per lo sforzo profuso, poiché senza di voi, senza la vostra cortesia e disponibilità, spesso oltre ogni consueta misura, non avremo potuto incorniciare due giornate di corso ad altissimo livello, come quello appena concluso. Vi è da sottolineare come anche Jorge sia rimasto particolarmente colpito dalla bellezza della struttura e, non ultimo, dal fatto che il campo sia stato messo a nostra completa disposizione, agevolando l’ottimizzazione dei tempi del corso. Non si poteva pretendere e sperare di avvalerci di un sopporto migliore, non potendosi chiedere di più , visto che il più è stato abbondantemente superato.
Un vivo saluto a tutti, nella speranza di poter riorganizzare esperienze formative analoghe anche nel prossimo futuro, rappresentando un momento di sana socializzazione e di miglioramento, non solo per la propria tecnica individuale di tiro. ... See MoreSee Less
Even if life gave you at one time everything you wanted — wealth, power, friends — after a while you would again become dissatisfied and need something #more. But there is one thing that can never become stale to you — joy itself. Happiness that is delightfully varied, though its essence is changeless, is the inner experience everyone is seeking. Lasting, ever new joy is God. Finding this Joy within, you will find it in everything without. In God you will tap the Reservoir of perennial, unending bliss...........
🦌��😗🥀 Adjust your altitude.
Self-Realization Fellowship - The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, #worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. . . Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment. - Yogananda
2 years ago
#repost • @marco.manca1267 corso effettuato tutti felici grazie al campione del mondo jorge Ballesteros 🇪🇸 ... See MoreSee Less
Suppose you are going to be punished by not being allowed to go to sleep when you are desperately in need of rest, and suddenly someone says: “All #right, you may go to sleep now.” Think of the joy you would feel just before falling asleep. Multiply that one million times! Still it would not describe the joy felt in communion with God....
Self-Realization Fellowship - You may control a mad elephant; You may shut the mouth of the bear and the tiger; Ride the lion and play with the cobra; By alchemy you may learn your livelihood; You may #wander through the universe incognito; Make vassals of the gods; be ever youthful; You may walk in water and live in fire; But control of the mind is better and more difficult. - Yogananda
Jorge Ballesteros updated their status.
2 years ago
... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.What’s the new dots like?
Nick Shewring no mention of fixing their shit mags🤷🏼♀️
Self-Realization Fellowship - Your trials did not come to punish you, but to awaken you - to make you #realise that you are a part of Spirit and that just behind the sparks of your life is the Flame of Infinity. - Yogananda
The joy of God is boundless, unceasing, all the time new. Body, mind, #nothing can disturb you when you are in that consciousness — such is the grace and glory of the Lord. And He will explain to you whatever you haven’t been able to understand; everything you want to know........
2022 Extreme Euro Open 2022 Full match video



“BULLESTEROS” Jorge Ballesteros' new gun

Medium Level
- 1 Day
- 150 Rounds
- 10 people max
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- Handgun, ammo and complete equipment
High Level I
- 2 Days
- 350 Rounds
- 10 people max
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- Handgun, ammo and complete equipment
High Level II
- 2 Days
- 450 Rounds
- 10 people max
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- Handgun, ammo and complete equipment
High Level I and II
- 3 Days
- 650 Rounds
- 10 people max
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- Handgun, ammo and complete equipment
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